You can adlib. Improvise on a great song w/me in 'C' major: all instruments, voice, trading solos

Mark Black
Here's the link:
At 'Mark Teaches Music'’s Improv Workshop, you can improvise with me on songs. We’ll trade solos back and forth, adlibbing and getting better. We’re playing and listening and learning. These videos are for all instruments and voice (guitar, piano, bass, voice, sax, flute, oboe, mandolin, ukulele, brass, strings, everybody); beginners and intermediates are welcome, and you can just come watch if you’d like. Learn from listening and trying. And guess what??? No one can hear you, so you’re safe! Each week we’ll switch styles and songs and instruments, maybe even difficulties and try another song with improvising and questions. I will also frequently make witty and insightful comments.
This is Mark Teaches Music’s Improv Workshop, session 54.
MARK TEACHES MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/@markteachesmusic